What are some of the basic features you can expect to find in a shortwave diathermy system?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Finally, your new shortwave diathermy unit is about 15 lbs. and is 7 inch by 14 inches, by 16.5 inches in diameter. You can expect your warranty to cover the main system for about 2 years, while the applicators and accessories usually are covered for the first year.
What are some of the medical problems you can successfully treat with the use of a shortwave diathermy?
One of the biggest advantages of having a shortwave diathermy unit in your office is the large number of ailments and injuries this deep heat apparatus can help with. Some of the more common issues that are treated with this method include inflammation of the shoulder joint and elbow joint. Either patients with degeneration of the hips, knee, and neck from injuries or those who suffer from things like arthritis and cervical spondylosis are also helped by the addition of the healing heat from the shortwave diathermy.
Sports injuries and even traumatic injuries from accidents on the job or auto accidents can be relieved by shortwave diathermy as well. Ligament sprains in the knee, ankle, or any joint location are often treated with this beneficial therapy. Common low back pain and muscle damage is improved with the use of heat. Just like in the old days when sports medical professionals as well as regular medical professionals used heating pads to help reduce swelling and pain, shortwave diathermy does the same thing on a larger, more effective scale.
Labels: deep muscle heat therapy, diathermy, heat therapy, shortwave diathermy
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