Medical Equipment Blog

Ultrasonography vs. Tomography

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What are some diagnostic benefits of Ultrasonography vs. Tomography? Tomography is any of several techniques of roentgenography (or x-ray photography) designed to show detailed images of structures in a selected plane of tissue by blurring images of structures in all other planes. Ultrasonography can photograph the same images but with greater clarity and safety. Due to the nature of the process, tomography exposes the patient to radiation. Ultrasonography uses ultrasound, which poses no threats whatsoever to the patient. To be frank, there is a myriad of advantages to using ultrasonography. Below are some more advantages: Strengths of Ultrasonography
  • It images muscle and soft tissue very well and is particularly useful for delineating the interfaces between solid and fluid-filled spaces.
  • It produces live images enabling the operator to dynamically select the most useful section for diagnosing and documenting changes, enabling swift diagnoses.
  • It shows the structure as well as some aspects of the function of organs.
  • It has no known long-term side effects and rarely causes discomfort to the patient.
  • Equipment is widely available and comparatively flexible.
  • Small, portable scanners are available.
  • Examinations can be performed at the bedside.
Ultrasonography is a useful way to examine the musculoskeletal system to detect problems with muscles, joints, tendons, and soft tissue. Ultrasound images are captured in real-time, so showing movement and function which enable radiologists to diagnose a variety of conditions and assess damage after injuries or illnesses. Ultrasonography is also useful for evaluating the circulatory system. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, monitoring blood flow to organs and tissues throughout the body is made easier, as well as evaluating the placement and success of repair for procedures such as arterial bypass surgery. With ultrasound images, radiologists can locate and identify blockages and abnormalities like emboli, blood clots, or plaque and help plan for effective treatment. Baseline ultrasounds, followed by regular ultrasound screenings, may become valuable diagnostic tools in finding early ovarian cancer. Ultrasonography is also relatively inexpensive when compared to other modes of diagnostic investigation through DEXA or MRI. These are only a few of the diagnostic benefits of ultrasonography. There is much more information written on the topic that can be researched and I encourage you to do so. For more information regarding the advantages of ultrasonography and the use of ultrasound diagnostics, click on the following link:

To evaluate different ultrasonography and ultrasound equipment, click below:

Hope that gives you a better idea of the benefits of ultrasonography over tomography.


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