There's nothing better than being prepared for the surprised in life. With an
emergency first aid kit, you can make sure that you are not only prepared for life's accidents, but that you can treat them. Though emergency first aid kits are not designed for larger trauma cases, they can still provide the backup you need.
What Should My Emergency First Aid Kit Be Able to Handle?
If you are keeping
basic emergency first aid kits at home and at work, you will need to make sure they can handle: cuts, lacerations, burns, bruises, injuries that need splinting or a sling, insect bites, CPR (if you have been trained), diabetic emergencies, and temperature related disorders - heatstroke or frostbite.
What Do I Need in My Emergency First Aid Kit?
The list things
emergency first aid kits should include is vast, and depending on who you ask, you might get different responses. In general, you should include: different sizes of
adhesive bandages, medical tape,
gauze, antiseptic ointments, burn ointments, materials for slings or splints, hydrocortisone for itching, CPR barrier or mask, glucose tablets or candies, blankets, ice packs, etc. You might find that you also need additional equipment for the special needs of your family - epinephrine pens, for example, to help stop allergic reactions to bees or peanuts. Add to your kit latex-free gloves as well to stem any contamination from your hands.
Labels: first aid emergency kits, first aid safety
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